The deadline of submission of priority programs and projects (PAPs) through the PIPOL System has been extended until Friday, December 13, 2024 (11:59 PM) to allow agencies to access the PIPOL System and complete their submissions. Please be reminded that the priority PAPs of the Department/Office should be submitted and SAVED AS ENDORSED in the PIPOL System on or before the extended deadline on December 13, 2024. Only priority PAPs submitted on or before said deadline for the closing of the PIPOL System will be processed by the NEDA Secretariat for validation of compliance with the PIP inclusion criteria.
The enhanced PIPOL System v3.0 will be opened to the Agency PIP/TRIP Focals upon the NEDA issuance of the call for the agencies’ submission of priority programs and projects (PAPs) for the updating of the Public Investment Program (PIP) 2023-2028 and formulation of the Three-Year Rolling Infrastructure Program (TRIP) for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2026-2028 as input to the FY 2026 budget preparation.
All concerned agencies are required to reconfirm or replace, as appropriate, their existing PIP/TRIP Focal(s) or nominate new PIP/TRIP Focal(s), as applicable, who will be tasked to provide information on agency PAPs in the PIPOL System. The reconfirmation of PIP/TRIP Focals can be accessed through the Agency User Management Module of the PIPOL System: (
Please be guided by Attachment 3 of the NEDA Memorandum on the Updating of the Public Investment Program (PIP) 2023-2028 and Formulation of the Three-Year Rolling Infrastructure Program (TRIP) for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2026-2028 as Input to the FY 2026 Budget Preparation dated September 16, 2024 on the detailed procedures on processing the reconfirmation or replacement of existing PIP/TRIP Focal(s), and nomination of new authorized Agency PIP/TRIP Focal(s).
Please be informed that all new requests for PIPOL System account username and password will be subject to review of and approval by the PIP Secretariat. Once approved, an email will be sent to the registered email address of the authorized Agency PIP/TRIP Focal(s) with the account username and password.